The parish council of the Church of the Epiphany meets on the second Wednesday of every other month to report to the pastor updates on what each commission has done and to make any proposals of addendums or changes within the respective commission to the pastor and council.
Chairman: Kathleen Fourre (From Outreach Commission)
Vice-Chairman: Kathryn Parish-Reese (From Spiritual Life Commission)
Secretary/Recorder: Tessie Evelyn-Velicaria (From Outreach Commission)
Spiritual Life: Kathryn Parish-Reese (Chairperson)
Rosa Solis (Co-Chairperson - Spanish)
Social Cultural: Pablo Pastor (Chairperson)
Jean Lee (Co-Chairperson)
Outreach: Tessie Evelyn-Velicaria (Chairperson)
Kathleen Fourre (Co-Chairperson)
Education: John Mills (Chairperson)
Mario Chang (Co-Chairperson - Spanish)
Youth: Maia Pineda (Chairperson)
Juan Cerda (Co-Chairperson)
Finance/Temporal Affairs: Willie Lim (Chairperson)
Ken Tonna (Co-Chairperson)
At-Large: Calvin Dean & Betty Dean