A reminder that the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated on Monday, December 9. It is a holy day of obligation. Masses in English will be at 6:30am, 8:00am, 11:00am & 5:30pm. In Spanish will be at 7:30pm.
YOUR WILL BE DONE is the theme of our Simbang Gabi Advent Novena Masses, from December 15th until the 23rd at 7:00pm. We hope you can join us each and every evening for prayer and reflection. Fellowship will follow in the cafeteria.
“Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed @ 12:30pm, on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7, 2024, in Church before the 1pm Mass. Reception will follow after the 1pm Mass.”
Join us on Easter morning for our dawn celebration of Salubong, the re-enactment of the Resurrected Christ meeting His mother Mary. Procession from O'Keefe Hall and from the cafeteria begins at 4:30AM. Mass begins at 5:00AM
Attention middle and high school students! Epiphany’s Youth Group is hosting a special presentation about Social Media given by missionaries from the Culture Project. This special event will be on Sunday, February 4 at 10 am in the School Cafeteria and will be followed by the monthly bilingual Youth Mass at 11:30 am. All parishioners in grades 6 through 12 from any school are welcome to attend the presentation and youth mass. See the parent letters in the bulletin boards at the entrance of the church for more details. --------------------------------- Atención estudiantes de Middle y High School (Escuelas Intermedias y Secundaria) El Grupo de Jóvenes invita a todos los jóvenes del 6to al 12avo grados, a una sesión para hablar acerca de los Medios de Comunicación Sociales-Social Media. Será dirigida por los misioneros del Proyecto Cultural-Culture Project el próximo domingo 4 de febrero a las 10 de la mañana en la cafeteria, seguida por la misa de los jóvenes con homilia bilingue a las 11:30 am. Por favor vea en la entrada del templo la información para los padres acerca de la charla.
ASH WEDNESDAY IS ON FEBRUARY 14, MASSES IN ENGLISH WILL BE AT 6:30, 8:00, 11:00 AM AND 5:30 PM. MASS IN SPANISH WILL BE AT 7:30 PM. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed. --------------------------------------- EL 14 DE FEBRERO ES EL MIÉRCOLES DE CENIZA. LA MISA EN ESPAÑOL SERÁ A LAS 7:30 PM. EN INGLÉS HABRÁN MISAS A LAS 6:30, 8:00 Y 11:30 AM Y A LAS 5:30PM. Se debe observar ayuno y abstinencia.
"Time to be healed, converted, formed, and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist" is the theme for our Parish Advent Novena. Come and join us for Mass with parishioners' testimonials every evening, from December 15 through the 23 at 7:00 P.M. Fellowship will follow in the cafeteria.
Join the Latin Community and honor Our Lady of Guadalupe on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. Spanish Mass with Mariachis at 7:00 P.M. followed by a reception in the cafeteria.
FLORES DE MAYO SAVE THE MONTH! All parishioners are invited to join in honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary throughout the month of May with praying the rosary, listening to scriptural readings, singing Marian songs, and offering flowers each day. It is held in Church and begins at 6:00pm daily, except for Saturdays when it starts after the 5:30pm Mass. A Culmination Mass will be held on Sunday, May 28th, at 1:00pm in the church. Remember to bring your images of Mary to be blessed, and bring your flower offerings. Fellowship to follow after Mass in the School Cafeteria.
With a very heavy heart, we announce the passing of Fr. Michael Brillantes on Wednesday, March 1st. His funeral Mass will be at Epiphany on Saturday, March 4th at 10am. For more services please click here.